Sunday Worship
Worship at LOUCC is central to our life as a community. Our weekly and special worship services anchor us in hope, build us up in spirit, and send us forth to be the peace-loving, justice-making people of God. In our worship gatherings, we find inspiration through music and poetry, scripture and prophetic challenge, silence and artistic expression. We value diverse voices in worship and regularly rely on both lay and ordained leadership. We encourage people to share their gifts of art, music, drama, and speaking as part of our worship life.
We celebrate the sacrament of communion on the first Sunday of each month. The bread is gluten free and the cup contains grape juice. All are welcome to receive communion.
Our Sunday morning worship begins at 10:30 a.m. and our services are live streamed to our YouTube Channel. We welcome children in worship at all times. If preferred, nursery care is offered for infants and children. Our nursery is open to all children ages 5 and under.
The LOUCC sanctuary is wheel chair accessible. We have hearing-assistance devices available for individuals who would like one.
Throughout the year, we also hold special services to mark particular days in the Christian calendar (Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Easter, Pentecost) as well as other occasions such as an Earth Day service in April, an outdoor worship service, and a Longest Night service of comfort in December. Worship also takes place during times of special significance — baptisms, weddings, memorial services — where we mark the passage of time in our life before God.