Adult Spiritual formation
We have several opportunities for spiritual formation for adults through reflection, interaction, and learning with others, allowing the Spirit to move participants into action in their time.
Centering Prayer
Each week we gather on Zoom at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesdays for the contemplative practice of Centering Prayer. We have a brief check-in and then pray together in silence for 20 minutes. All are welcome.
Dwelling In the Word
Dwelling in the Word is held Tuesdays at noon on Zoom. Attendees explore the texts for the coming Sunday worship service.
Contemplative Practices Group
We gather periodically to explore how spiritual practices broaden and enrich our connection to God, Spirit, the Divine, ourselves, and each other.
Book Group
LOUCC’s book group meets on Zoom on the last Thursday of the month.
For the latest information please refer to the latest eNews.