LOUCC Officer Descriptions
Moderator (Elected for a one-year term)
Presides at all meetings
Convenes and facilitates Council and Congregational Meetings
Works along with the pastor to ensure the function of all teams and officers
Arranges for the evaluation of the pastor
Arranges for an annual review of the financial stewardship and accounting records
Is available to counsel team chairs
Designated check-signer
Moderator-Elect (Elected for a one-year term)
Performs duties as assigned by the Moderator
Serves as Acting Moderator in Moderator’s absence
Chairs the Nominating Committee
Evaluates Pastor (with Moderator)
Attends monthly Council meetings and all congregational meetings
Attends Council retreat
Designated check-signer
Clerk (Elected for a one-year term, which is renewable)
Keeps records of the proceedings of the church and of the Council
Distributes minutes of the Council meetings to Council members
Provides Office Administrator with a summary of the minutes
Makes full report to the church at annual meeting
Attends monthly Council meetings and all congregational meetings
Determines whether we have a quorum at congregational meetings
Designated check-signer
Treasurer (Elected for a one-year term, which is renewable)
Assures financial reports are complete and accurately report all gifts
Oversees the payment of all bills
Attends monthly Council meetings and reports to the Council at each meeting
Attends all congregational meetings and delivers report to the congregation
Serves as ex officio member of the Trustees
Designated check signer
Financial Secretary (Elected for a one-year term, which is renewable)
Provides oversight for the income of the church
Establishes counting teams for the offerings each Sunday
Makes bank deposits as needed
Writes quarterly and annual generosity letters